Follow the other Hand

Don Peppers Style

Don Peppers has an energetic and engaging style that leaves a strong and lasting impression on his audience. Encouraging audience participation, Peppers’ core message is delivering a superior 1to1 Strategy to remove the operational and organizational barriers that stand in the way of profitable customer relationships. Peppers will show you where to focus your customer-facing resources to improve the performance of your marketing, sales and service initiatives

Don Peppers Focus

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) business strategies; Customer Insight; Return on Customer; Maximizing the customer’s experience; engaging with customers one a one to one basis

Don Peppers Topics

identify your most valuable customers, increase customer satisfaction, and improve ROI; move the needle on the business drivers that are the most critical to improving your business; identifying the value of different customers and their needs; understanding interactions from the customer perspective; aligning people, processes and technologies around most profitable customers; reconcile the conflict between current profit and long-term value to achieve maximum return

Don Peppers Engagements

Ford Motor Company, Hewlett-Packard, Wolters-Kluwer, Scottish Power, E-Trade, Oracle, KPMG, BroadVision, Epiphany, Agilent, Novartis, Unilever

Don Peppers Before Current Career

Founding partner of Peppers & Rogers Group, economist in the oil business, director of accounting for regional airline

Books written by Don Peppers

The One to One Future, Enterprise One to One, The One to One Fieldbook, The One to One Manager, One to One B2B: Customer Development Strategies for the Business-to-Business World, Managing Customer Relationships (April 2004). Return On Customer, Life's a Pitch - Then You Buy

Websites related to Don Peppers

Contact info for Don Peppers

© Copyright 2006-2007

Andy Cohen : Follow the Other Hand

Andy Cohen: business motivational speaker that uses magic as metaphor